(916) 737-7669

Departure Points

You can click and manipulate the Google Map to see more information about your stop.

Departure points are based upon the number of participants in each area. Please note that not all locations listed are available on every trip, and that an unlisted location may be added to a particular trip. Please check the updated trip information sent to you.

Dixon @ 1440 Ary Lane (I-80 Pitt School Rd Exit)

Davis @ Nugget Market • 409 Mace Blvd. (South Davis)

Land Park @ Land Park Ski and Sports • 4207 Freeport Blvd. (one block North of Sutterville)

Arden Park @ Big Lots • 8700 La Riviera Dr. at Watt (the East side of the parking lot)

Fair Oaks @ Baskin-Robbins • 8894 Madison Ave. (Hazel and Madison near KFC)

El Dorado Hills @ Raley’s Shopping Center • El Dorado Hills Blvd.

Folsom @ Safeway Shopping Center • Iron Point Rd. and Prarie City Rd.
    221 Iron Point Rd. (in the South Side of the complex next to Iron Pt. Rd.)

Roseville @ The Park & Ride • Taylor Rd North of Eureka

Auburn @ Bell Road Exit off I-80

For current trip departure times and weather information please call The Trip Info Line at (916) 456-0263. This will have the most up-to-date time and weather information posted prior to trip departure. In addition The Trip Info Line will also have any changes made to the trip regarding the scheduled return time.

The above map represents multiple bus routes. If you are meeting a friend on a trip please be sure to call the office and double check that you will be on the same bus as your friend.